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Homework Policy


•On most days (except Friday) there will be homework.  Unfinished work from the school day is automatic homework.


•Students will write their homework in their agenda/planner that has been provided by the Woodland PTO.


•Please review and initial/sign your child’s agenda daily.


•All homework is due at the start of the following school day unless otherwise directed.



•A detention notice will be issued for an assignment not completed on time.


•It must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned with the completed homework the next day.


•The detention may be voided.


•The homework is lowered one letter grade.



•Parents will be notified if a signed detention form is not returned.

•Student will serve the detention.


•Detention is scheduled Monday – Thursday from 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.


•Students will fill out a consequence sheet.


•Parents will need to pick up student.


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